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Saint Cecilia Church    Saint Mary Church

Sunday Bulletin

Third Sunday of Lent

March 11 2007

Readings.  Gospel: Luke 13:1-9

        The world is a violent place. The Biblical comment that "the earth was filled with violence."  (Genesis 6.11)  is as true now as when it was written.  Religions and their thinkers and spokespersons (theologians)  have always faced the challenge of offering a reason for it, the question of  "theodicy" (how can a loving God permit suffering?) has engaged them.  It has been argued that suffering is simply a given, a fact of life which needs no explanation, since none can be satisfactorily given for it.  There are all kind of suffering, physical, mental, psychological, spiritual.  The Christian response has always looked at how Christ handled His suffering.  He never felt that it took His Father's presence away from Him, in actuality, His presence is more deeply present.  Suffering has a way of bringing people even closer to God than if they never had suffered, though none of us look for suffering.

   Mass Intentions:  Week of March 11, 2007

  Sunday          9:30 a.m.  ------   Moe Fern 
  Sunday         11:15 a.m. ------   John & Tammy Belie
  Monday             8 a.m.  ------   Anna Nicole Smith
  Wednesday        8 a.m.  ------   John Lawson
  Thursday            8 a.m.  ------   David & Connie Treves
  Friday                8 a.m.  ------   Agnes & James Boyle   

"Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?"   Abraham Lincoln



Lenten Series
           Week 3:  Wednesday, March 14th, 7:15 p.m., Communal Penance Service. 
We only have one Communal Penance Service a year, and Lent is obviously a Penitential Season, so this Sacrament is a preparation for our celebration.

From the Pew:
       We have nineteen musicians coming for our St. Pat's Function, hopefully one of them can play Irish Music. If anyone wants to entertain for this party, let Fr. O' know.  March 16th, 6 p.m., St. Cecilia's Parish Hall.  There is rumor that St. Pat himself might pay a call.

      Sacred Heart Parish, Olema.  St. Patrick's Function, Sunday March 18th, noon to 4 p.m.

      St. Cecilia Golf Tournament is to be held on June 8th at the San Geronimo Golf Course.  Last year this was very successful, our biggest fund raising, bringing in $14,000.  For now, mark your calendar. Let's make this a unique parish event.  If you can help in any way, call Ginny, 415-488-9694

    Outreach Mass at the Drady's House 6.p.m., Thursday, March 15th

      The Chrism Mass in the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, San Francisco, is celebrated at 5:30 p.m., April 3rd. There is an afternoon of recollection in Saint Francis Hall at 2:15 p.m.  The newly installed Bishop of Reno, Most Rev. Randolph Calvo, will lead the presentation.  Parishes from all over the Diocese attend this Mass.  If you have never been to one, you might consider.
          Mona Tieche is recovering well from her knee surgery last week.
          Spike Drady likewise is doing well from his stay in hospital.  