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Saint Cecilia Church    Saint Mary Church

Sunday Bulletin

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

January 14, 2007

Readings.  Gospel: John 2:1-11

    How could Jesus turn water into wine?  Of course He could, and did.  Would you be surprised if  I say He continues doing it?  Alone the Rhone Valley in Switzerland, this miracle continues.  It was pouring rain.  The slope of the valley was covered with vines.  The water was falling heavily on the vineyard.  And I thought how in another month the vine gathers would come and squeeze out the grapes and find that water turned into wine.  This is how God gives wine to the world.  Indifferent people don't stop to think of these miracles the God is always doing!  And to think that this God is also a loving friend, as Jesus showed at that Cana wedding.   

"It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all"  -Tennyson


   Mass Intentions:  Week of January 14, 2007

  Sunday        11:15 a.m  ------   Doug Kay
  Monday         8 a.m.     ------    David De La Torre
  Wednesday    8 a.m.     ------    John Lawson
  Thursday        8 a.m.     ------    David De La Torre
  Friday            8 a.m.     ------    David De La Torre   



From the Pew:

      January  21st, St. Mary's Parish General Meeting at Grace Farley's home following Mass.
      A discernment retreat, Friday January 26th thru Sunday January 28th at St. Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park.  For those thinking about priesthood we as priests continue to experience our numbers declining while the flock entrusted to our care continues to grow.  As a result, the way priestly ministry is exercised is changing before our eyes.  Fewer priests mean more lay ministers.  Fewer priests mean more international priests arriving to the U.S.  All of these are new challenges for priestly life and the Church.  Continue to pray for and speak for vocations in our homes.
       The Altar Society to meet with Fr. O', January 18th, 7 p.m. rectory.
        Archbishop Niederauer will lead the Walk For Life West Coast 2007, on Saturday, January 20th.  Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral, 8 a.m. Twenty thousand people are expected to walk for life in San Francisco as we proclaim our message that abortion hurts all lives and women, and we all deserve better than abortion.  For more information, visit http://www.walkforlifewc.com
