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Saint Cecilia Church Saint Mary Church
Sunday Bulletin
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 14, 2007
Readings. Gospel: John 2:1-11 How could Jesus turn water into
wine? Of course He could, and did. Would you be surprised
if I say He continues doing it? Alone the Rhone Valley in
Switzerland, this miracle continues. It was pouring rain. The
slope of the valley was covered with vines. The water was falling
heavily on the vineyard. And I thought how in another month the vine
gathers would come and squeeze out the grapes and find that water turned
into wine. This is how God gives wine to the world.
Indifferent people don't stop to think of these miracles the God is always
doing! And to think that this God is also a loving friend, as Jesus
showed at that Cana wedding. "It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all" -Tennyson *** Mass Intentions: Week of January 14, 2007 Sunday 11:15
a.m ------ Doug Kay
From the Pew:
January 21st, St. Mary's Parish General Meeting at Grace Farley's
home following Mass.