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Saint Cecilia Church Saint Mary Church
Sunday Bulletin
Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
November 26, 2006
Readings. Gospel: John 18:33-37 We conclude the great Gospel of Mark, Cycle B, and we begin Luke's Gospel for Year 2007, Cycle C. Are you the King of the Jews? Pilate asked the Christ. Jesus did not wish to be known or understood as a King. He rejected such titles. Jesus Christ is King in the land of Truth and Justice. All who are on the side of Truth and Justice. All who are on the side of Truth belong to Him.
"You forgive the
wrongs done in the world to you --- and then start
again." Auschwitz prisoner.
From the Pew Advent: We begin our season of advent. It is a time to prepare for Christmas. Four weeks to ponder and reflect on the great mystery that God became man, and what does it all mean for mankind. Parish Christmas Party is December 10th, 5 p.m. Bring your talent. Theme: Christmas Around the World. If you are from another country, culture, share with us some uniqueness how Christmas is celebrated in that land. St. Cecilia will have four seats vacant of
the parish council board. Any parishioners interested in being on
the parish council, call Fr. O'. Election take place sometime in
January. Christmas Gospel Music Concert with the Lighthouse Singers of Marin and Norcal Chapter GMWA, Sat. Dec. 16th, 7:30 p.m., St. Sebastian's Catholic Church, 373 Bon Air Road, Greenbrae. For info, call (415) 456-1356. www.lighthousesingers.com. Looking for young adult men soccer players. If anyone is interested, let me know. Mass Intentions: Week of Nov. 26, 2006 Monday 8
a.m. ------ Gerald Saldana
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