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Saint Cecilia Church Saint Mary Church
Sunday Bulletin
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 19, 2006
Readings. Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 This passage in Mark belongs to a style of literature called Apocalyptic, the best know example of which is the Book of Revelation. The Apocalyptic literature of the Bible is the dramatic expression, in fantastic imagery, of belief in God and hope in His ultimate victory of the power that God intervenes in history and changes everything to good. The intention of the author is not to detail how the world ends, like us he does not know, but in the end time God is present and triumphs over death.
"Be the change you
want the world to change to." Mahatma Gandhi
From the Pew We have matched the anonymous donor's $12,500 contribution to St. Cecilia's Church. Many thanks for everyone's generosity.
Thanksgiving Mass, November 23rd, 9 a.m., at St. Cecilia's Church.
There is no 8 a.m. Mass at St. Mary's Church. The outreach Masses are very positive and successful in reaching out to neighborhoods in the parish. I would like to do many more in the course of the coming year. Keep this in mind as an important activity. This happens only if hosts volunteer their homes. To date, four families have returned to the parish, and we welcome them into our parish life. Marin Irish American Club Christmas Dinner & Dance, Friday, December 1st, 6 p.m., at Club McInnis, San Rafael. Contract Bernie Kelleher, (415) 479-8436. Parish Christmas Party is December 10th, 5 p.m. Mark your calendar. Mass Intentions: Week of Nov. 19, 2006 Monday 8
a.m. ------ Jerry Drohan
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