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Saint Cecilia Church    Saint Mary Church

Sunday Bulletin

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 29, 2006

Readings.  Gospel: Mark 10:46-52

     Bartimaeus knows what he needs.  He wants to be able to see like most in his village.  He must have been seeking help from every faith healer and quacks, every magician and holy sites.  The fact that he now comes to Jesus as a last resort means he will recognize Jesus not alone as a miracle healer, but more profoundly as the Son of God.  For Bartimaeus, it is not simply his sight has been restored, but his life now begins as a follower of Jesus Christ.  Therefore his whole life has been changed.





      "Art is prayer made visible,
      Music is prayer made audible,
      Dance is prayer embodied,
      but the greatest Art we practice
      is the art of Compassion
      which is Prayer in action and service." - Unknown




From the Pew

      An Interfaith Thanksgivings Service at the Presbyterian Church, San Geronimo, November 19th, 4:00 p.m.  Those wishing to attend are asked to bring finger potluck food for the reception following the service.  Anyone wishing to donate money or turkeys is welcomed.  These gifts would be donated to the needy in the valley community.

      An anonymous donor is granting a matching donation of up to $12,500 to St. Cecilia Parish Building Fund.  The parish as of now has raised $5,600.  This donation is specifically to be used for the repayment of the debt the parish incurred when the church was remodeled.  The final date of this pledge is October 31, 2006, which gives us three days to match the generosity of this offer.

       A Healing Mass at St. James Catholic Parish Petaluma, 125 Sonoma Mountain Parkway.  Join Fr. Robert Faricy, S.J. and Cheryl Nguyen  for a night of healing.  Sunday, November 5th, 2006. Praise & Worship 6:30 p.m./ Mass 7:00 p.m.  For information, visit http://www.robertfaricy.org

       The showing of a film on the life of Pope John Paul II, November 11th, Our Lady of Peace Hall in 2800 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara.  5 PM doors open, wine & hors d'oeuvres buffet; 6 PM film, 9:15 PM reception and speakers.   $35 per person.  A flyer is on notice board with more information, or visit http://www.johnpaul2movie.com.

Mass Intentions:  Week of Oct. 29, 2006

       Monday         8 a.m.      ------    Jerry Drohan
       Wednesday    8 a.m.      ------    Jerry Drohan
        Thursday       8 a.m.      ------    All Souls.
        Friday           8 a.m.       -----     Jerry Drohan

Pray for our parishioners who are ill: Maureen Fulton, Bill Anderson, Gerry Guiney, Stan Dentkos.

