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Saint Cecilia Church    Saint Mary Church

Sunday Bulletin

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 13, 2006

Readings.  Gospel: John 6:41-51

     He is not just the Bread of Life for me or you.  He is the Bread of Life for all of life.  Alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, onto eternal life.  All time belongs to Him and the ages, forever and ever. Amen.





St Mary, Nacasio Musical Concert

     St. Mary's Musical Concert, today at 1:30 p.m.

     Any parishioners interested in Liturgical preparations for special feasts, e.g. Christmas.  Call my number, (415) 488-9799.  Around middle of October, we can meet to share how to make the season liturgically meaningful.

     An antique Italian sanctuary lamp, 200 years old, indicating consecrated hosts in the tabernacle, that hangs down from the ceiling rafter could be available to us.  Price to be negotiated.  If parishioners like this for St. Cecilia Church, I can set this in motion before I leave for the Great City of Cork, Ireland. Share your thoughts..

     Parishioners wishing to park on Sir Francis Drake, the side door to the church is now opened for Sunday Masses.

    This week 2nd collection for the Archdiocese of New Orleans and the Diocese of Biloxi recovery and rebuilding needs in their dioceses, after Katrina.

Mass Intentions: Week of August 13, 2006

Monday       8 AM ......Joseph H. Dignan
Wednesday  8AM........Evelyn O' Sullivan
Thursday      8AM........father of Magdalen Egan, RIP

"Be present in all things and thankful for all things." Maya Angelou